
Showing posts from September, 2018

Oatmeal Okara powder-filled cookies

オートミールおからパウダー入りクッキー A)オートミール250g A)アーモンドプードル50g A)おからパウダー50g A)ココナッツファイバー、フェンネルシード、 ごまなどお好みのフレーバーの種など20g A)レーズンなどお好みのドライフルーツ100g A)シナモン、カルダモンなどのスパイス小さじ1 A)ベーキングパウダー小さじ2ぶんの1 B)はちみつ90g B)オリーブオイル 50g  卵 1つ 作り方... 1, A を混ぜてからBを入れる。 2, 180度のオーブンで8-10分焼く。焼き時間はサイズ、 クッキーの厚さによっても変わるので足りなければ追加で焼く。  レーズンなので結構甘みが出るので糖質カットしたい方ははちみつ なしでもOk!! Oatmeal Okara powder-filled cookies A) oatmeal 250g A) almond powder 50g A) Okara powder 50g A) coconut fiber, such as fennel seed, Gomanado your favorite flavor of seeds 20g Dried fruit 100g of your choice such as A) raisins A) cinnamon, spice 1 teaspoon such as cardamom A) baking powder 2 teaspoons sentence of 1 B) Honey 90g B) olive oil 50g Eggs one How to make ... 1, from the mix A put B. Bake 8-10 minutes at 2, 180-degree oven.

My after contest binge

In Tokyo I had Smokehouse BBQ, Tacos and lots and lots of pie. What did I eat in Sendai. Well for starters right after the contest I asked a friend to get me two bacon and egg burgers from J.S. Foodies In Sendai. Those burgers were complimented with a chocolate cake. Later on that night I went to Buta-Khan for Korean food. I heard a lot about this restaurant from a friend but honestly I thought the food was overpriced and it didn't live up to the hype. Definitely not going there again. After that I went to Seiyu supermarket and bought puddings, choco-melon pans, fruit juice and snacks. Lots and lots of snacks. The next morning I decided to have pancakes, eggs and oats. For lunch I ordered a pizza from dominoes which was glorious especially the wings that came with it. later on in the day I went to Oktoberfest in Sendai and Had spare ribs and a tall glass of beer. For dinner I had the remaining pizza with an assorted pie box from Granny Smith Apple P...

Going forward for next year

So what have I learned from this contest? For starters my posing needs a lot of work. I thought I had practiced enough and I was pretty confident going into the show but I underestimated the posing aspect and I think that cost me points. Also I should have taken the day before the show and rested. My muscles were ridiculously sore on stage and  a few days after. Lastly would be to work harder on the free posing section. This plays a huge role in your placement and I think my posing routine was good but it was basic. The free posing routine needs to be good. It needs to wow the judges and the audience so you need to practice, practice and then practice some more. Points that I need to work on: My legs.  I improved on my legs this year however there is still a long way to go. For Japanese contestants their legs are their strength. The reason being is that they tend to have shorter limbs however in my case my legs are long so its a bit harder to build the width I need t...

2018 Miyagi and Tohoku Hokkaido Body Building Contest

It's finally finished. My almost half a year prep has come to an end and the contest is finished. So how did I do? I got 9th place in Tohoku Hokkaido and 6th place in Miyagi. Happy with my placement but not satisfied so i'll be working twice as hard next year. Lets break down how the contests unfolded. First up both contests were on the same day September 16, 2018. Athletes had to get to the Wakabayashi Culture center at 9 to start check ins. The check in was a little confusing but I think they tried their best to get everyone organized and sorted out. After the check ins we were placed in a conference room with chairs and desk (hardly any space for pumping up). However later on we were shown the pump up room which was spacious and had a wall mirror so athletes could see their progress. The Tohoku Hokkaido and Miyagi contests are very different from the Higashi Nihon contest. At the Higashi Nihon contest I was placed in a separate category from guys that were...

Simple tips to lose fat

Losing fat isn't as hard as people make it out to be. From my experience with working with many clients over the years it all comes down to personal will power. Many people will say they want to lose their fat yet when dinner time comes around you see them eating pizza with a side of fries. Losing weight doesn't work like that. You can't have your cake and lose weight too, well at least all the time. Here are my top tips on losing body fat. Cut the junk. meaning cut the junk food, beer soda, oily foods and most importantly snacks. These things aren't your friends and they may be holding you back. Don't be at the mercy of your sweet tooth, you are the master of your own cravings. Avoid foods with sugar as they tend to spike our insulin levels which allows us to go into a fat storing phase. Read the labels and weigh the pros and cons before you eat something. Many foods are marketed and sold as healthy but are far from it. Be wary. Be active. This ...

Finding a good gym in Japan

Gyms in Japan are a very interesting topic. You'd think it would be fairly easy to find a good gym here but trust me it isn't. A good gym here is like a unicorn in a forest or  a needle in a hay stack. You'll have to search and dig through the rubble to find one that fits you. I think the concept of a gym is different in Japan. Being a gym addict back when I lived in Jamaica, when I came to Japan that was one of the first things I set out to do, join a gym. I googled and asked friends where was the best place to go. When I asked people they mentioned Renaissance sports gym or Central gym. It's important to know that when I first moved here I was placed in Sendai. The largest city in the Tohoku area. Now back to gyms. Renaissance and Central and most other gyms here are mostly focused on cardio machines. When I was in the early stages of searching and when I visited different gyms I was shocked to find most places filled with treadmills elliptical and cycling machines....

オートミールトマトリゾット 一人前

材料   ホールトマト缶半分 オートミール   大さじ 2 ~ 3 パプリカ   黄色   赤 シシトウ  2 本 じゃこ   大さじ 1 ☆チューブにんにく少々 ☆黒胡椒少々 ☆塩麹   少々 ☆コンソメ   少々 ☆はちみつ   少々 トッピング   なんでも OK 鶏肉  ( レモン、塩麹などでつけて味をつけて焼いたもの ) レモン   少々 ピクルス   少々 目玉焼き  ( ココナッツオイルで焼いたもの ) 脂質制限してる方は無しで … チーズ   一枚  ( カロリー 90% オフのもの ) 最後にオリーブオイルひと回し   作り方 1 ,ホールトマトとオートミール、 水を全体がなじむくらい入れて弱火で煮詰める。 2 ,オートミールが柔らかくなったらパプリカ、☆ を入れて少し日を強くして鍋にくっつかないように混ぜる。 3 ,じゃことシシトウを入れて弱火にする。 4 ,最後にトッピングをして完成! トマトケチャップだと高カロリーなので必ずホールトマトを使いま しょう。オートミール ( 炭水化物 ) は朝に食べて午前中のうちに消 化してしまうと効率良く減量できます。材料は冷蔵庫にあるもので OK! 

Challenges of dieting in Japan and tips to lose weight

While Japan is a healthier place to live when compared to other places in the world, many people find it hard diet here. Why is that? Japanese people and most other people from Asia tend to be on the slimmer side of the scale. So why do foreigners find it so hard to diet here? From my 5 plus years here. The number one reason I've found is carbs. The Japanese diet is packed with carbs to an almost insane degree. Rice is eaten at almost every meal here and if it  isn't rice then its substituted with noodles or bread. Couple that with the drinking culture then we have a problem. However Japanese people have been eating this way for a long time so their bodies have become accustomed to eating high carbs but that can't be said for most foreigners. Most of us aren't used to having rice 3 times a day a,so not counting onigiri or rice cakes for snacks. However don't get me wrong, the traditional Japanese meals here are quite healthy and nutritionally balanced b...

Cheat meal Burgers near Sendai Station

Now, if you're like me, when you think of a good burger, the last place that comes to mind is Mc Donald, especially in Japan. I'm a huge burger fan so I go out of my way to find good burger joints however unfortunately I live in Sendai about 2hrs from Tokyo by Shinkansen so Tokyo is a no go for me when I feel the urge for a good burger. Luckily Sendai has a few good places and to save you the trouble of walking around trying to find them. I've listed a few of the ones I've found that would satisfy most foodies out there. To get on this list these places had to be a one stop pit stop for most of my cravings on cheat day. meaning they had to firstly have a good atmosphere to relax and dine in. Secondly they had to have good sides and great pancakes or desserts. So lets get into it, here are my top picks in Sendai. 1. Coming in at number 1 is. J.S. Foodies in S-Pal  Why are they number one you ask? Well the reason is that they have a good selection of burgers a...