What's the difference between JBBF and NPCJ ?

Okay, so you've drank the protein shakes and done the reps. You've replaced the burgers with asparagus and broccoli and now you're shredded. Your veins are bulging and your body fat is below 10%. It's summer and you've hit all the beaches and shown off your physique to people there, but something is missing. You start thinking to yourself if this is as far as you can go. You didn't spend all those days at gym just for a few splashes at the beach and to cover it all up at the end. No, it's not enough and yes, you can go further.

Let me introduce you to the two biggest bodybuilding organizations in Japan, Japan Body Building Federation (JBBF) and the National Physique Committee Japan (NPCJ). These two are the two main bodybuilding organizations in Japan. Now if you are like me you'd want to sign up for both because coming from a sales background it's all about numbers right? If you compete in more contests then your chances of winning in one increases plus you broaden your exposure. Sadly Japan doesn't work like that. JBBF and NPCJ are two very different organizations, that sadly do not work well together in my opinion. Think of them like oil and water. They just won't mix. 

I found this out early in 2018 when I signed up for the JBBF Miyagi, Tohoku and Hokkaido and kanto contests. At that time I thought I could do both the JBBF contests and the NPCJ contests but when I went to the manager of my gym he advised me against trying to do both because it could have resulted in me being banned from JBBF for a number of years. Sounds a bit strict right? However there is a reason for it, read on.

JBBF has placed a ban on NPCJ athletes, from my understanding this ban last 2 or 3 years after your last NPCJ contest. So to simply it, JBBF athletes can compete for NPCJ however NPCJ athletes cannot compete in JBBF contest. 

JBBF and NPCJ are both bodybuilding organizations so whats the problem? Well it lies in how strict they respectively are. 

JBBF is a bit stricter when it comes to testing for steroids. In order to do the JBBF contest you have to get a card from an anti-doping association in Japan. The association doesn't test you or anything, they just send you some documents for you to read pertaining to doping and steroids. At JBBF contests they also do doping tests at random so it's a bit harder to get away with drugs at these contests. 

NPCJ on the other hand is a bit easier to get by if you take steroids. In the media and on official outlets they might say steroids are not good but many people do take drugs and it is easier for them to get away with it there. There are no doping tests for NPCJ athletes. 

That in my opinion is the main reasons why NPCJ athletes have to wait at least 2-3 years before competing in JBBF shows. Competing in JBBF shows allows for a relatively fair contest between competitors while NPCJ is a bit more open. A natural bodybuilder could be competing on the same stage with someone who uses steriods. To put things in better perspective. I have competed at JBBF shows for the past 3 years in the bodybuilding category and the over 80 kg category. In  all those contests I was in the top   ten. Now I would never dream of competing in the bodybuilding contest for NPCJ. I wouldn't even be able to get on the stage. Not at the size I am at right now. The only category I could have a chance at would be physique. 

There are also a few other differences in categories between the two.

NPCJ Categories 



  • Bodybuilding
  • Men's fitness model 
  • Men's  athlete model
  • Men's Physique
  • Classical Physique


  • Bikini
  • Figure
  • Women's athlete model
  • Women's fitness model

Other categories 

  • Kids Physique 
  • Family Physique
Competing under the NPCJ name, athletes are able to aquire their pro-card. And possible compete at other world level shows, like Olympia and the Arnold classic.

NPCJ is a generally new fitness organization in Japan. Founded in 2015. They have many more categories to appeal to a wider audience. The entry system is also much easier and cheaper than bodybuilding.

One of the main distinctions between the JBBF and  NPCJ is that NPCJ has a better connection to overseas organizations and bodybuilders. A lot more foreign athletes participate in the Japanese events. 

People who I would recommend the NPCJ to:

  • People who want to interact with foreign bodybuilders.
  • People who want to go pro.
  • People who are don't mind competing against other people that use drugs. 
  • Classical Physique bodybuilders.
  • People who want to compete in a special category under the NPCJ. 
  • People that are new to bodybuilding and want to try out a fun contest. 


  • bodybuilding 
  • Physique 


  • Miss body fitness
  • Miss fitness
  • Fitness bikini
  • Physique 
  • Miss 21 healthy beauty 
There is no way for you to get a pro card by competing in the JBBF contest.

JBBF is currently the largest bodybuilding organization here in Japan. It was founded in 1955. Compared to other organizations, the level is overwhelmingly high. Speaking from experience, winning any of the JBBF contests is extremely difficult.  Most competitors have more than 10 years of experience. Winners, second and third place holders of the all Japan contests have the chance to compete at the World Championships for bodybuilding. JBBF athletes also get covered in magazines like "Iron Man" and "Monthly Body Building". As I said before doping tests are very strict for the JBBF. Winners of the contests are sometimes subject to random testing throughout the year much like with other sports. If an athlete is found to have taken stimulant substances then they will have to about 500,000  yen.

From my experience I would recommend these types of people for JBBF:

  • People who have great physiques.
  • Someone who is serious about training and improving their body naturally.

There are also other bodybuilding organization however they are not as big as the other too. It is Best Body Japan and Summer style award.

Best Body Japan, I would say is a lot like Miss World contests in a sense but mixed with a bodybuilding aspect. Contests who join this contest have confidence not only in their bodies but also in their looks. If your aim is to get into TV or acting or anything media related then joining this type of contest could be a stepping stone to bigger and better things. The BBJ in my opinion is more concerned about how cool a contest is.


Summer Style Awards has an image of being cool almost like a mix between being a model and a physique competitor.

Categories are :

Stylish Guy Class (Male)
Beastie Class ( Male)
Betty (Women)



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