Ways to get motivated during the winter season.

Winter can b e a brutal month. 

Ever felt tired for no apparent reason. It's just one of those days when you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and your energy levels are just so low that you have no motivation to even get out of bed or go to work. I think we've all experienced these days some of us a bit more frequently that we'd like to admit. External factors can also play a role in influences when we have these low energy days.

One major factor that affects a lot of people is the season. During the warm summer months or fall and spring, people are much more likely to get out of bed and go for that morning run. People are more motivated to leave work and head straight to the gym because the weather isn't screaming at them telling them to find shelter.

Winter is a very hard month for a lot of people, myself included. It is painstakingly hard to find the energy and the willpower to face the cold and do what needs to be done. During this season your body is telling you to stay to where it;s warm and safe. Avoid the below 0 degree Celsius temperatures. Most people just decide to stay in and forgo the gym or exercise they planned. However that is very bad and detrimental to our fitness goals. Plus when it's cold we tend to eat a a way to comfort ourselves. We also ted to eat a lot of unhealthy food, like heavy stews, cakes, ham, and chocolate. Lets also not forget the holidays in winter. We have thanksgiving turkey to look forward to and we have ham and chicken for Christmas. Then on new years day we have the wine and depending on where you are sweets or cake.

With all these factors working against us and providing an attractive environment for fat to be produced I can't blame you for falling into this trap. So, how do we counter all the things working against us to remain active during this season? Well, first up is we have to change our environment. I don't mean pack your bags and move to another country. I mean change the things that have an influencing effect around us. For example if your pantry is filled with chocolate and marshmallows for s'mores or if it's filled with winter sweets then maybe we should change whats in it.  Try opting for seasonal fruits instead like apples, persimmons, and other winter fruits. Also you could opt for healthy hot beverage alternatives, so instead of hot cocoa you could drink green tea or some sort of tea. Just remember to ditch the sweetener.

We can also form a support group so you don't have too face the cold air while running alone. If you have friends with the same goal you can form a group and run or go to the gym together. You'll be more motivated to get out of bed if you have someone texting you to encourage you to join them.
Fine a friend you can work out with. 

Another thing we can do is change or transportation. You don't have to go out and buy a new car, but if you used to ride or walk to the gym how about driving or taking the train. With the windows up you'll be shielded from the harsh weather outside.

Another option you could choose is a vacation. many of us have a few days off during the winter holidays, how about planning a vacation to somewhere warmer. This will push you to get into shape. If you have a goal in mind you'll be more motivated to stay on track.

My next vacation will be in Sydney. Somewhere close to the beach.

Staying on track is not easy but it's worth it, not just for your physical appearance but for your health as well. Let me know if any of these tips helped you out on your journey. And always remember you are not alone.


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