Where to start with your diet

All diets share one common thing and that is they all want you to eat less. Losing weight is simple, calories in should be less than calories out. To put that into perspective. If someone has a fitbit or any calorie checking device and they burn on average 2,500 calories per day. Then that means to lose weight they should be eating at least 1,800-2,000 calories per day. Assuming that their basal metabolic rate is less than 1,800. Your basal metabolic rate is the energy your body needs to function in a resting state. Is is the equivalent of figuring out how much gas a car consumes while parked and idle.

Once you figure that out then you can start figuring out how many calories you can consume daily while sticking to a calorie deficit. In my case I burn on average 4,0004,500 calories per day and my BMR is 1,800 calories per day. So from that I know that I need to consume more calories than my BMR and less calories than my daily average in order to lose weight. You also have to take your activity level into account when calculating your calories in. If you're active then you'll need more calories than someone who has a desk job and goes home to sit on their coach and play games. There are many formulas and apps online that you can download to figure this out so I won't be going too deep into that on this blog.

So there you have it. The simple trick you need to lose weight. Watch your calories in and out and make sure you have a deficit. We'll take about macro nutrient break downs in another blog post.


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